Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Order Ravenscroft Crystal Amplifier Cabernet Glass, Set of 4

I own a variety of Wine stems from a few makers including some of the "Finest" in the industry from higly regarded makers such as Riedel. And a fair number of other collectible fine crystal items.
Further, I have sampled many other fine wine stems on various occasions.

Arguably, Riedel is considered one of the finest for glass stems and a high benchmark standard in the industry. And I can't argue. I think they produce a fine product and I have been happy with the Riedel crystal I own.
However, Riedel's truly nice stems are VERY expensive.

I recently came across some very positive reviews of Ravenscroft's products and was very interested in the design of the Amplifier Cabernet.

I had recently sampled some fine red wines in a similar design with a large bowl that tapered to a smaller rim.
The design is highly effective at focusing the bouquet of the wine which adds a noticeable added level of enjoyment and appreciation when drinking a nice wine.

I could not find ANY retailer in the Houston, Texas area that carries the Ravenscroft line.

So, I ordered a set of 4 of the Ravenscroft Amplifier Cabernet stems.

As soon as they arrived and I removed from the well packaged box, I was instantly blown away.

The glass is quite light and delicate, but very "fine" and just SEXY - GORGEOUS!

Ravenscroft advertizes the benefits of using lead-free crystal - Claiming that lead can often leach into your drinks - which is hazardous and affects the flavor.

I honestly don't know about that - maybe so.
I have always been under the impression that leaded crystal was considered the finest. However, after receiving the Ravenscroft Amplifier Cabernet, I can personally say that Ravenscroft's crystal seems EVERY BIT as fine as some of my finest leaded crystal and in many cases the Ravenscroft crystal seems much nicer overall.

Quality of "crystal" aside, I also feel Ravenscroft's quality of craftsmanship was at among the highest I have seen for wine stems. And again, I find this Amplifier Cabernet stem to be one of the nicest wine stems I have come across AND easily my favorite for drinking out of.

Compared to MANY wine stems I have used over the years, in my opinion, the Ravenscroft Amplifier Cabernet stem is significantly superior in quality, shape and over-all presentation of itself AND of wine.

While Riedel may still be a very worthy "Benchmark" in the industry, I am INSTANTLY blown away by this product from Ravenscroft and compared to the best wine stems I have seen in the industry including the finest pieces from Riedel. I am familiar with Riedel's Sommeliers, Vitas, Vinum, Vinum Extreme and similar lines. In my opinion, only the Vitis and Sommeliers series "might" compare in quality, but I consider Ravenscroft:

* As nice in quality as the "finest" I have seen and handled from other makers,
* BETTER designs than most I have seen with the Amplifier Cabernet becoming an instant "FAVORITE"!,
* And a MUCH better value compared to other comparable quality stems.

I honestly wouldn't pay the high prices for Riedel's Vitis and Sommeliers level stems.
Ravenscroft offers at least as nice and in many ways NICER product than Reidel's highest priced lines (Vitis and Sommeliers) and at a price less than even the Vinum Series - with Ravenscroft's stems being significantly nicer than Riedel's Vinum and Vinum Extreme series (in my opinion).

I will MOST likely have to purchase more of these stems as gifts eventually.
I expect quite a few people to "Covet" mine.

The pictures do NOT do the glass justice. You really need to "Experience" the glass to fully appreciate!

Get more detail about Ravenscroft Crystal Amplifier Cabernet Glass, Set of 4.

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